Take a moment.


Hello loves,


Have you taken stock lately at how far you've come? So much of this year is about forward momentum especially in terms of energy and spiritual thinking. More than most, this year offers way more opportunities to course correct and for you to find your feet again. So much of who we are has changed and is still changing. We are becoming ourselves over and over again in new and exciting ways. The difference this year is that it appears to be happening at a quicker pace. As beautiful as that is, it's a lot of work.


So take some time. If you're reading this then treat it as a not so subtle hint from the universe to congratulate yourself on a journey well lived. All of the things that have happened over the last few years have been the burning embers of an old cycle in humanities consciousness. We are evolving on a collective level and that's scary. Sometimes, when we are in fear we cling to what feels traditional and you'll see many people appear to be taking a cultural step backwards. At the same time you'll see people leap frog into new and exciting ways to be on the planet. It's all happening, all at once.


Time to reflect on that journey might give you a hint as to what's to come. I think clarity can be an act of hindsight and there are many things happening in my life right now that I know I'm not going to figure out for a few years yet. There are things that are supposed to elude me right now. Same for you. When I look back I see a huge, clear trajectory that has lead me to this space. It's been so tough in places and I've also laughed harder than I think my body could stand. What I want to impose into your narrative over the lext few days is to just take some time to think about the strength it took for you to be where you are right now. You've done so amazing! I get to see so many of you at your lowest ebb, in your darkest hour and the displays of strength I've encountered have never failed to impress and uplift me. I know how imcredible you all are, I've seen it first hand.


Today though, I want you to try and see it. To truly appreciate what you called on to become who you are today. With that in mind, what you are creating right now should be a walk in the park!


Big things ahead for all of us!


Big love,


Ryan James x


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